Water is wet because it is water, and Christians are involved in missions because they are Christians. Missions is not a good work to gain a jewel, but a good fruit of a good Savior. Missions is the sovereign work of grace.

Posted Link:

I have posted a link here to Heartcry because sfjm supports the work, and the biblical truths that are preached through this ministry.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chiapas Journal Day 1

Woke up this morning and felt somewhat refreshed for I slept well. In the preceding nights leading to this trip I was awakened by the Father having placed a burden in my heart to intercede for this trip and for the people that will be accompanying me to the town of Chamula. Felt as though my time of solitude with the Lord this morning was attended with His presence and was also comforted in this way. Mom got off to a late start as she had a long day on the Lord’s Day yesterday, and we set out to meet David (a brother from Ivonne’s church) in the metro. After waiting for an hour he finally arrived and we left to meet another sister from Remanente. After our uniting and much travel in the metro not having yet had anything to replenish the physical state of our bodies we went to eat. Mom and I shared a meal, and mom stloe soup from the sister from Remanente. Felt as though I ate more than is biblical and still am not in need of anything as I write. After eating we returned to my house and I finished preparing my things for the trip as well as the bags of gospels we would take. Everything went smoothly at the bus station, and we started our night of driving.
I though it somewhat cliché this morning as through grace approached the throne of Grace through the Scriptures. In Jeremiah 31 was reminded of the new covenant that God has made, and His faithfulness in saving those that are His. His sovereign work in changing our hearts and causing us to walk in His ways. Then in Mark 16 of the promised resurrection as Christ was. If that is to be our end why would one fear that which has no power to conquer? God is faithful to His promises and He will resurrect His people. And lastly in Acts 21 as Paul set out to Jerusalem and was encouraged not to go by the brothers for the danger he would face, but was so encouraged and found such comfort in his response. Paul knowing he would go to his death was unashamed. It is my prayer that as you read this you do not think I am going to this place to die, for such in not my purpose. I simply as Paul want to be faithful and unashamed of the call whether by life or by death. If I live here or there, I wish to live in such a manner that the Lamb would receive the full reward for His suffering, and if I die that I would die in such a manner that the Lamb would receive the full reward for His sufferings! I simply want to be unashamed to preach the gospel.
Paco seems to be preoccupied with work he has to take care of, I ask that you would pray peace for him. Mom seems to be doing well, not sure she quite knows what she is going to, but she is willing. David is in good spirits, and sees to me to be content. Esther, the sister from Remanente, is such an encouragement, and I am delighted that she is here.
Right before I started writing this I finished a book I had been walking through here lately called “Introduction to Puritan Theology “, if you want to know, yes I highly recommend it!! The last part was on Eschatology by Jonathan Edwards and he writes “It may seem a mystery to the world that men should be happy in death, which the world looks on as the most terrible of all things; but thus it is to the saints. Their happiness is built upon a rock, and it will stand the shock of death: when the storm and floods of death come with their greatest violence, it stands firm, and neither death nor hell can overthrow it…”
Thank you all for being the body of Christ! Hold the rope extra tight this week!!!!

Por La Gracia,

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