Water is wet because it is water, and Christians are involved in missions because they are Christians. Missions is not a good work to gain a jewel, but a good fruit of a good Savior. Missions is the sovereign work of grace.

Posted Link:

I have posted a link here to Heartcry because sfjm supports the work, and the biblical truths that are preached through this ministry.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Quick Update

Hello Church,

Wanted to take a few minutes of your time and write a quick update on what has been going on, what is going on, and what will go on over the next few weeks. God continues to prove faithful in the ministry here!! Over the past couple of weeks I have felt as if our groups, discipleship groups, have grown intensely!! With Marco, a guy I meet with on Mondays, every week he longs to know more of who God is. It is almost as a deer panting for the water. It truly is my joy to see his face every time we unpack part of the mystery that is God!! Last week we started a new group, not knowing exactly what to call it, nor even what our purpose would be, just knowing that we all longed for more fellowship with the brethren, so we started. After last week it has taken the name “Confessions”. Last week we sat in my house, drank coffee and ate lime pie that my wife made, consumed a little bit of the Word, chewed on a couple things from some dead guys, and opened our hearts to one another. It was such great communion!!! We cannot imagine what heaven will be like, but I do draw from Scripture that something of that type of communion will occur. Last week in tepito with Sebastian also went well. We are continuing through the gospel of John with him, verse by verse, and although I do not see that the Father has shed that grace on him yet, it is always a prayerful concern of mine. I am very excited about time with him tomorrow!! We will be talking about Jesus being the Lamb of God!! Please join me in praying the grace would be effectual to him!!

As I write this I am consumed with anticipation of our “Confessions” meeting tonight!! I think one of the true marks of a believer is their desire to commune with the saints!! Oh, how I do long for that!! The banana pudding that my wife and I made will also be a delightful part of our communion tonight and for that I am not sad!! This Friday we will be looking at the will of God. A very interesting subject and will lead to great conversations I think. Quickly I want to brag or share with you whats going on in a couple guys that we are discipleing: First Jorge. Jorge is 19 years old and has a great desire to preach Christ. Right now he is preparing to go to the College at Southwestern, if God allows, to study missions. He is also reading “Don’t waste Your Life” by John Piper and seems to be grasping so much!! Second Abimiel. Some of you were blessed by the opportunity to meet Abi at my wedding. Abi is also preparing to go to Southwestern, maybe a little later than Jorge. Abi as of late has caught such a huge vision for the glory of God, and as it had an effect on Isaiah so it has on Abi. He is reading “The End For Which God Created The World” by Jonathan Edwards right now, and in my opinion that is healthy for anyone!! Please join me in praying for these two young men specifically!!

The next couple of weeks will be packed!! In about a week and a half we will be hosting our first pastors conference!! This has been part of my vision from the start, and God has seen fit for it to happen. We will be meeting in Autlan Jalisco teaching men to preach espositionally!! There are a group of pastors from Louisiana, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas coming to preach!! This will take place the 8th – 11th of November, then the following week we will be returning to Veracruz!! I am so ready for this!! Once again we will be proclaiming the truths of Christ to the unreached peoples of the world!! There are a couple of brothers coming from Quitman Tx. That will accompany us on that trip. Please pray specifically for these things!!

I know I said that this would be quick, but it is so hard to be quick with the things of the King!! I hope that each of you are having a great week, and that the Lord is continuing to shape and mold you to look more like Him!! As always I ask that you continue to hold the rope!! Thank you for all your fathfulness in pray and support!! Blessings my Brothers!!

" If the depravity and corruption of the heart is the only ground of the necessity of regeneration, then regeneration consists in removing this depravity, and introducing opposite principles, and so laying a foundation for holy exercises." Samuel Hopkins

Solus Christus,
jonathan murdock


SPuckett said...

I can't wait to see ya'll for the conference. Enjoy the rest of your busy week. Miss you guys

Dr. Steve said...

I am always blessed to see how the Lord is using you, my brother. I pray for you and Ivonne, and for the brothers who work with you guys.

I really wanted to be part of the conference on expository preaching, but the Lord had already given me some other assignments. I tried to twist his arm and make him change his mind, but...hey, do we believe he's sovereign or not!

Pray for us here at Grace as we consider calling a new minister of music. Pray for each and every heart to be fixed squarely on only one thing, knowing and doing the will of God.

Blessings on you!