Water is wet because it is water, and Christians are involved in missions because they are Christians. Missions is not a good work to gain a jewel, but a good fruit of a good Savior. Missions is the sovereign work of grace.

Posted Link:

I have posted a link here to Heartcry because sfjm supports the work, and the biblical truths that are preached through this ministry.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Journey to the Junlge

Dear Church,

I want to start by apologizing for running out of time to send out a prayer request, but was very grateful that Ivonne was able to help me with that. This past week I had the opportunity to go on a vision trip with Cary Butler from Quitman Texas to a place called Benito Juarez, Chiapas. We were informed the last time we were in Chiapas that there were a couple communities in the jungle that were without evangelical influence, and feeling that the Lord has set me apart to proclaim the glories of His name to the unreached places in the world, I was convicted that we at least had to make an effort to seek the Lords guidance for this place.

We left in a bus from here on Monday the 30th of November and our goal was a place called Comitan. On this vision trip we wanted to seek out the best way, and most efficient way to get people to this area that we would be good stewards of God’s time and finances. I was informed of some cheap bus tickets from here to Comitan, which ended up being a mistake and costing a lot more money than I expected for or planned for, but I guess on a vision trip, as Mr. Butler informed me many times this past week, that those mistakes will be made. After arriving to Comitan we took a small jet to Benito Juarez, a small community of about 150 people. When we arrived we were met by two young men, one of them with a machete asking us why we were there. I responded by telling them that we were missionaries and were here to tell them of the Good News, and teach them from the Bible. They were a very closed people, and on our arrival to the town we were told that it would cost us to land that plane on their ground, another expense that we had to learn though. After talking with the authorities there they decided to have a town meeting with the men to see if we would be able to sleep there, and how much it would cost us to go see their lake, another unexpected expense. At this town meeting I was given the opportunity to preach the Good News! I spoke of the beauty of nature and how it proclaims the glory of Christ, and that we as creation were created for that same purpose. I felt that this sermon was met by the Holy Spirit and that some were affected by the words of God. We were able to meet a guy named Amadeo, who was a commander in the Zapatistas (If you are not familiar with this group I encourage you to look them up on the internet, they play a huge role in Chiapas. They are a group of rebels that take whatever means are necessary to get what they want.), but now just works in the town there. He has great leadership skills, and seemed somewhat affected by the Word of God. I had dunk all my water and asked if there was a place that I would be able to buy water, and was told “no” to just drink out of the faucet, that the water would be clean through the mountains. After giving thanks to my Father I drank freely! This week we were unable to get clean water, so we drank from rivers and a lake, but through grace up to this point have not been affected. That night we were serenaded to sleep by the monkeys screaming at one another. I will have to admit that I loved to sounds of the jungle at night! The next day we went to their lake which I posted some photos of here, and got to see some remains of old Indian worship that some believe has not totally died off from this place. They are known for sacrificing their children to the worship of water. When we arrived back in Benito Juarez that evening a group of people were gathered at the church building there to have their worship service. I sat back and watched for a few moments as six women sat in a circle with fire in the middle of them. After chanting for awhile they began to pass a little girl around over the fire. This is such a needy place! Please pray for the people of Benito Juarez!
Then next day we set out on a journey that would first lead us to another community called Chumzero. We walked through the jungle on a muddy path for right around 4 miles; I had my backpack that weighed probably 50 pounds!! It was tiring! When we arrived there we were able to take a swim in a river, and it was very refreshing! We then entered Chumzero and the men from Sabanilla that were with us were so afraid because these people are known for killing anyone that they have a problem with. God is so good, and we entered this town and were accepted so kindly, and the people there were so grateful to receive a gospel of John!! This is a community of about 60 people, if that, and there are no roads leading to this place. These people have never heard of the love of Christ, nor of His salvific work. We were received by an elderly man named Manuel, and he told us that we were welcome in his house anytime. We did not spend much time here because we still had a long journey ahead of us to arrive in Sabanilla before dark. After we left this town we walked another 5 and a half miles through the jungle on a muddy path and arrived in Sabanilla right at dark. The next day we woke at three A.M. to take a bus to Comitan, which was five hours on a rough dirt road only to take another bus to San Cristobal, just to get on a bus that would take us thirteen hours back to Mexico City! It was a long day!!

Having had the opportunity to spend time in prayer, through walking 9.5 miles through the jungle, I feel that the Lord is leading Sing For Joy Missions to be involved in proclaiming the truths of God to the people of Benito Juarez and Chumzero. They are two small communities, and it is costly to get there, but the Lord has commanded us to preach “not where Christ has already been named” and these two towns are exactly that. On this vision trip I felt that I also I made some mistakes, that were costly, but that will help as we plan our next trip into this jungle. It looks like we will leave Monday January 25th with seven Mexicans to make the next journey to these people! It was my desire on arriving here in Mexico that I would disciple men, and get them involved in ministry, and this is taking place! These seven young men and women will be from my discipleship groups that I am leading right now, and will go with hearts consumed by the fire of God. I ask that you as the church do not forget about this work and our ministry. That you will commit to praying for these people in the jungles of Chiapas, and about how you can hold the rope as we go! We will also be planning a trip to take to these places from the states in the future. Please, please, please begin to intercede on behalf of these people!!! Hold the rope!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflections of a Pilgrim

Sitting in my car a little over a year ago, and echoing through my mind were the words of one who had gone before us “He is no fool who would give that which he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.” It was that night in my car that the irresistible call the Father had placed on my life years before had reached its era. Sitting there so scared and asking myself “Do I really have faith? Do I really believe He is enough?”, but it was His Spirit that granted me the peace that I could not comprehend, and laid my heart to rest.
That Wednesday evening I stood before the great family of Grace Baptist Church to inform you that I would be leaving to finish the work He prepared for me before the foundation of the world. As I prepared for that night I could not shake the thought that what I had to say was going to sound like foolishness, but it was that night that the Lord really began to teach me of His bride. It was so encouraging as tears and prayers were cried out on my behalf. I was questioned by many before my leaving about support and funding. This was something I really wrestled with, but could not leave the words of our Savior in the tenth chapter of Mathew telling His Apostles not to take food, clothing, or any means to raise support, but wholly trust in Him. A verse that I was so convicted by was Psalm 50:12 “If I were hungry, I would not tell you, for the world and its fullness are mine.” Not only is He alone capable of meeting our needs, He alone is more than capable of also knowing our needs. Therefore I was lead not to go under the umbrella of an organization, not that I think they are wrong, but solely that I would trust in Him and not the arm of the flesh. In this He has been so faithful, and after spending time praying over this I feel free in the Spirit to share a few clips from my journal here concerning finances over the past year. It is not at all my intention that this would be used to gain finances at all, and I ask that as you read this you simply rejoice in His glory and faithfulness.

Oct. 10, 2008- “I leave tomorrow for Mexico, and although I thought that I may be scared of the uncertainties I have been so comforted by seeing the Lord’s provisions. There is a plentiful amount of money in the bank that the Lord has provided, and this has served as a confirmation that I am going where He has called.”
Dec. 3, 2008- “I have almost been here for three months, and continue to see His faithfulness. I am picking up Spanish quickly, and have preached several times in my broken Spanish. I continue to be comforted at the Lord’s provisions! Not only have I not suffered any need, I have been enabled to help the family here with some financial need. He is sooo good.”
Jan. 22, 2009- “As I write today I am missing my friends and family that came to serve over Christmas, and feeling like I am becoming complacent in some things, both spiritual and physical. The Lord has been so faithful in providing that I often forget to pray that He would continue. It seems as though monthly support has dropped some, but I fret not because of money that is there that I know is sufficient. I know that my trusting in this and not in Him is wrong. Lord please teach me to only trust in you!” “I was reminded of this truth by Proverbs 3:5 this evening.”
March 2, 2009- “Lord I know you took that money because I was trusting in it and not You!(A couple days before I wrote this I was informed that all the money in the bank had been taken, and I knew this arm of the flesh had been cut off.) Although I am fretting I thank you for this that You will use this to teach me what it means to trust in You and not the arm of the flesh! God I pray that You will be faithful to your name, and that through Your provisions the nations will come to know you. Whatever you desire, only that your name be honored!!”
Sept. 1, 2009-“I began to pray for $1000 dollars today for the ministry, there are some needs, and it will cost some for me to move. I will stay faithful to only making needs know to Him. I am praying and believe the promise of Psalm 40:17 "you are my help and deliverer, do not delay, O my Lord." Talked to my dad and someone from his church gave $60! He will not delay!!”
Sept. 2, 2009- “Still praying and believing God that He will provide for the need. Today I talked with Leslie and he informed me that he has money to deposit. I am not sure of the amount, but I am rejoicing in the Lord's rapid response. I know faith will soon be tested. “
Sept. 5, 2009- “I went to the ATM today and there was over 15,000 pesos in the bank!! That is over $1000!! He is so faithful!!! He did not delay!! He didn’t even test my faith!! Oh! How I wish the lost would leave themselves and come to this Great God!!! I am so humbled that He would allow me to share in this grace!!”
Oct. 6, 2009- “I had to go today and reserve bus tickets for the group coming on Saturday to go to Chiapas and found out that I have to pay for my ticket to reserve the other tickets. I only have enough to pay for my ticket there, and not enough for gas to pick up the group on Saturday, nor to buy my ticket to return. Lord I know you have called me to this, and I will continue to go, just as the widow used the last of the flour trusting. If you choose to not provide, and for this to fail you are just, but for the sake of your name among the lost I pray for provision.” “I spend my last bit on reserving the tickets today, but was comforted by thoughts from Eph. 5. He loves his bride, and will care for her faithfully.”
Oct. 7, 2009- “I know He is good, and He will not delay!! I feel that this may be the test of my weak faith that He will use to continue to sanctify me. Lord let me remain faithful to only make known the needs to you, for you alone are able to supply. Please place in the hearts of your people this need. It is such a temptation to me to tell the people of God of this need today, oh, Lord cause me to only trust in You and not in your people!! For I know with one phone call more than what is sufficient would come, but I believe You are sufficient! Lord cause me to persevere!! God use this to make me more like your son!!” “I just received a call from my mom and someone from their church gave me $100!! He is sooo faithful! Once again He didn’t even test me! Thank you for not letting me fall!!!”

I just wanted to share a few of the many times in which the Lord showed Himself so faithful as regards to finances, and how He placed on your hearts to give in times of need. So many times in my life I lean on the arm of the flesh, and it will continue to be my prayer that He will continue to teach me to only trust in Him.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Chiapas Journal Day 4

I woke refreshed this morning, and was surprised as I thought my anxiety about Chamula would keep me from sleep, but was given grace in regard to rest. I was also awakened quickly once again by a cold shower, although today I seemed to enjoy it. After my cleaning I departed to a quiet place to pray and read of our God from the Scriptures. I was somewhat intrigued that God’s ways and my ways are so different as I read Psalm 5:5. I was also encouraged to teach the full council of God, and not solely what I think is fitting for the people of God. I was refreshed by my reunion with the Father, and was ready to see what the Lord had planned for this day! After breakfast spent no little time in conversation with pastor Eufimio. I have so enjoyed his company these last couple of days! He made known to me their need for teachers at their Bible institute at his church. They meet once a month for a weekend. Their church has 30 missions functioning well and the men in the institute are serving in these missions. I will begin to seek the guidance of the Lord on if He desires that I commit one weekend a month to teach these men. We then set out for Chamula! I was so excited to see how the Lord would use us in such a dark place. Our truck broke down, and set us back an hour or so, but we arrived in Chamula at about two o’clock in the afternoon. There seemed to be a spirit of oppression in this place that is somewhat indescribable. It was our goal to enter the town and pray for an open door. We started by buying a tourist pass to enter the church there as I wanted to see and get a feel for the mindset of the people there. As many of you know I live in a very wicked place where worship of death is very popular, but I have never seen anything in comparison to what I saw this day! As we entered the church the floor was covered with pine needles, and no less than 100 people were scattered on the floor surrounded by candles and bottles of coke. We walked and prayed, but were all a little set back by one family. There was an elderly woman surrounded by her family from three years old to not short of seventy. She continually mumbled some sort of a prayer while putting fire to candles. On the side of her group of candles lay a chicken that had no life, and on the other side a chicken that was alive, but seemed to be in some sort of a trance. Every so often she would sprinkle what they call posh, a sort of tequila that is very strong, around the candles all the while chanting. Then she would pick up the chicken with life and make circles over the candles. This was nothing short of demonic. This was so wicked and made my heart so sad. I stood there with a pack full of the gospel of John and this woman and her family were magnifying satan and his ways. It was very sickening. The majority of the people were having a fiesta in the front of the church drinking posh and becoming intoxicated. There were also two crosses in this church that will be explained in a later post. We then left the church, and entered the market where not much shorter than two years before a young man was killed being accused of preaching the gospel. We began going to different shops looking for an opportunity to share the gospel. We ended up in a small shop that sold traditional clothes. It was a mother and her four daughters not much younger than myself. We felt a connection with these women and after a short time began asking about their faith. Before we departed we gave them a few gospels of John, and they seemed somewhat excited not having ever heard the story of Jesus. One of the young women began reading the gospel before we left. There is so much more I could write about this day, but will pass it off to another post. We then returned to San Cristobal and attended the church of Josue, Eufimio’s son. He asked if I would preach, so I gladly accepted. We were few in number, but I felt that we were truly blessed with the presence of the Spirit! I was more than helped in my preaching, and we all felt a conviction to live out the name we are given through grace. I preached from Romans 1:1-6. I was able to speak with Ivonne for a short time before bed, and was so encouraged by her faithfulness in intercession for the team this week. As I lay in bed I felt such great emotions about entering Chamula once again tomorrow.

Chiapas Journal Day 3

After not much rest the night before, I woke exhausted, but was helped by starting the day with a cold shower. After my shower separated myself to spend time with the Father, and was acquainted by the Spirit. Found great comfort and the life of Paul. Oh, how I long to live so unashamed as he did. I know some who would criticize me for desiring to be like Paul, but he wrote “imitate me as I imitate Christ.” The plan for today was to work with Pastor Eufimio here in Simojovil in the surrounding communities. After refreshing our physical bodies with a typical Mexican breakfast we left for a small town called “La Paz” in English “The Peace”. My mom and I were accompanied by Juanita, Eufimio’s daughter, and began going house to house to share the good news. I was quite humbled when we reached the first house and I greeted the elderly woman in Spanish, and her face said that she didn’t know what I said. She only spoke a indigenous dialect called Tzoltl. It sounds nothing like Spanish. The pastors daughter spoke very little Tzoltl so she began to speak to the woman. This woman had no intrest in the divine things, and was far more concerned with things around her house. Such was the case with many of the Indians in this town. After visiting a few houses we approached a small wooden hut to find it filled with young people. As we began to converse about Divine things found one young woman around 16 years of age or so that seemed to be concerned for her soul. She had been raised in a very spiritualistic Catholic church, and was well versed in idolatry. After explaining the nature and result of sin and our helpless state we then conversed with her about the unconditional love of God and the impossibility of doing anything for our own salvation. The Spirit seemed to have given some conviction in regards to the work she had done in attempts to earn grace through the idols of Babylon. We gave her a gospel, and wrote the pastor’s number and address so she would be able to have her questions answered if it truly was a beginning work of the Spirit in regard to her salvation. We left this house to go with pastor Eufimio up the mountain to visit a family that hasn’t come to the fellowship in some time. We were welcomed by the family with great kindness and found the father of the family to have some kind of sickness. This seems to have hindered his work greatly, and there was a lack of income as a result. After not much conversation with the family Eufimio began to question their absence and was meet with many excuses. We then spent the next forty minutes or so in exhorting them from the Scriptures of the importance of fellowshipping with the body of Christ. The daughters of the man were under some conviction. After praying for the family we left to go to the church in Simojovil where I would preach. I preached from Romans 5:6 stating that we, before Christ, have two problems; one: we are ungodly, and two: we are without strength. I felt somewhat helped by the Spirit, and think there were some there who were affected by the words of God. After the meeting we were invited to celebrate the lives of the pastor and his wife as this was their birthdays. It was a good time of fellowship. I went to bed tired and somewhat early with a heavy heart for the people of Chamula. Our plan is to go there tomorrow. It has been so great getting to meet Eufimio. He is a hard working for the great kingdom; I hope the Lord continues to cause our paths to cross.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Chiapas Journal Day 2

We arrived in San Cristobol De Loas Casas about 7:30 this morning and began searching for a bus that would take us to Simojovil where we will be staying for a couple nights. After haggling fervently with taxi drivers Josue, the son of a missionary in Simojovil came a picked us up in his pick-up. Mom, Esther, David, one of the missionaries daughters, and I rode in the back for three hours up and down mountains until we entered Simojovil. We ate, then had time to rest and find solitude with the Father. I felt somewhat comforted by thoughts of Grace in my life, but for the most part my time of both resting and traveling has been consumed with thoughts of sorrow for the poor folks in Chamula. When one of them die they go to hell, and this thought has been made so evident to me through the conviction of the Spirit. As we drove through Chamula and I pondered on thoughts that it is the last place in the western hemisphere where Christians reach glorification at the hands of non-believers. Most think it would pass as an eerie feeling, but all I could think of was the example that has been left by Jim Elliott. As I got alone with the great text I felt little refreshment in the words of God. I felt as it was probably due to being exhausted. I then rested and talked with Ivonne some before going to meet with Eufimio (the missionary in Simojovil). I really enjoy the company of Eufimio, it is my prayer and expectation that the Lord will allow more of His work to be done through us working together. We spoke of ways to reach chamulans, and what the schedule would be like for the week. It was our decision to spend tomorrow working here, and then return to San Christobol on Thursday morning to spend Thursday and Friday in Chamula. Before turning in to sleep found some comfort in Psalms 1 & 2. Left for sleep content in life, while pondering on of Edwards resolutions “I resolve to think on death often and the circumstances there in.” After this passed through my mind I fell asleep wanting the Lord to make my life useful to His kingdom, and wanting to live so badly for His glory. I begged that the Lord would remove my fleshly desires and replenish me with thoughts of Him, for He is my reward. I want my life to give the Lamb the glory due his name!!! After an hour or so of rest was awakened to prayer by the Father, and after a short time of it spent some time reading the life of David Brainerd. I just finished the part where he died, and while he was dying was whispering thoughts like “He will not terry”, or “I will glorify His name”, oh! What faith he had. Found courage to live to God through his example.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chiapas Journal Day 1

Woke up this morning and felt somewhat refreshed for I slept well. In the preceding nights leading to this trip I was awakened by the Father having placed a burden in my heart to intercede for this trip and for the people that will be accompanying me to the town of Chamula. Felt as though my time of solitude with the Lord this morning was attended with His presence and was also comforted in this way. Mom got off to a late start as she had a long day on the Lord’s Day yesterday, and we set out to meet David (a brother from Ivonne’s church) in the metro. After waiting for an hour he finally arrived and we left to meet another sister from Remanente. After our uniting and much travel in the metro not having yet had anything to replenish the physical state of our bodies we went to eat. Mom and I shared a meal, and mom stloe soup from the sister from Remanente. Felt as though I ate more than is biblical and still am not in need of anything as I write. After eating we returned to my house and I finished preparing my things for the trip as well as the bags of gospels we would take. Everything went smoothly at the bus station, and we started our night of driving.
I though it somewhat cliché this morning as through grace approached the throne of Grace through the Scriptures. In Jeremiah 31 was reminded of the new covenant that God has made, and His faithfulness in saving those that are His. His sovereign work in changing our hearts and causing us to walk in His ways. Then in Mark 16 of the promised resurrection as Christ was. If that is to be our end why would one fear that which has no power to conquer? God is faithful to His promises and He will resurrect His people. And lastly in Acts 21 as Paul set out to Jerusalem and was encouraged not to go by the brothers for the danger he would face, but was so encouraged and found such comfort in his response. Paul knowing he would go to his death was unashamed. It is my prayer that as you read this you do not think I am going to this place to die, for such in not my purpose. I simply as Paul want to be faithful and unashamed of the call whether by life or by death. If I live here or there, I wish to live in such a manner that the Lamb would receive the full reward for His suffering, and if I die that I would die in such a manner that the Lamb would receive the full reward for His sufferings! I simply want to be unashamed to preach the gospel.
Paco seems to be preoccupied with work he has to take care of, I ask that you would pray peace for him. Mom seems to be doing well, not sure she quite knows what she is going to, but she is willing. David is in good spirits, and sees to me to be content. Esther, the sister from Remanente, is such an encouragement, and I am delighted that she is here.
Right before I started writing this I finished a book I had been walking through here lately called “Introduction to Puritan Theology “, if you want to know, yes I highly recommend it!! The last part was on Eschatology by Jonathan Edwards and he writes “It may seem a mystery to the world that men should be happy in death, which the world looks on as the most terrible of all things; but thus it is to the saints. Their happiness is built upon a rock, and it will stand the shock of death: when the storm and floods of death come with their greatest violence, it stands firm, and neither death nor hell can overthrow it…”
Thank you all for being the body of Christ! Hold the rope extra tight this week!!!!

Por La Gracia,

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another Chapter In The Life of A Pilgrim

Brothers and Sisters,
It has been far too long since I have written to you, and for that I do apologize. I have had the opportunity to go back and fellowship with some of the brethren that have been so faithful in holding the rope for me as I have gone into the well. I cannot mark words that would articulate my gratitude and state of being encouraged from the sweet reunion I had with those saints who have been steadfast in this work on my behalf. I do however wish to convey my gratefulness for their laboring in the work of intercession for me. It is such a vast tool in the war with the evil one, and a grand protection for me. Upon my return I have found myself overwhelmed with opportunity of service, and labors in the work of the kingdom. I have greatly struggled with discerning which open passage ways to proceed through, and which passage ways are a test of my discernment and faith in the All Mighty. I often find myself so easily entangled in a desire to master the whole city here on my own for it is frequent that my mind is positioned that I know the best way a thing should be done, and I should be the one to accomplish it. In learning this fault in my life I have since began to recognize as that selfishness arises and have been at war with it. Oh, how I wish to kill the evil one within me! I do so delight in the promise of our Father that is found in Philippians 1:6 that “He who began in us will bring it to completion”. On that day, this old man, will be slaughtered by the proclamation of His glory! What a wonderful day that will be!! I have, since my return, frequently visited the heathen in the streets and have felt greatly assisted by the Spirit, though none seen to yet be acquainted with grief over their sin, I do recognize that the preaching is not in vain for He will use His word to accomplish all the He has willed to do. When I arrived I found Paco had begun to lead the study in our house through the book of Acts, teaching of the faith and works of our church fathers. Both of the times I have met with that group I saw that the time was blessed by the presence of the Spirit, and feel as though two of the people left with great concern for their souls. It is my prayer that this concern would torment their heart and lead to their conversion. This past Sunday was in my consideration the unsurpassed of all the times past of my attending Remanente, Pastor Gerry gave an exhortation from Galatians 5:1 of our freedom in Christ, and took much time to explicate the importance of knowing the significance of being “In Christ” and much of the cause of lack our peace filling our churches today stems from an ignorance of this matter. This gathering was also attended with great praise of the Father through song, and communion with the saints. I consider it an immense blessing to be able to share in the Spirit with the brothers at Remanente. At the moment I see sparks of great things accruing for the Kingdom, and has been my prayer that the Father would grant me the fire that consumes those who do not release it, that He may use me to fuel those sparks and wildfires would spread though this land bringing great glory to the name of the Holy One. Below I will include a list of the works in with sfjm will be involved in, and how you can pray for these works. Once again I am too feeble to express the thankfulness in my heart toward all of you who sacrifice time, money, and effort to be a part of what the Lord is doing here.

Works of the Father through sfjm:
*June 21st – 26th- Group coming from New York to work in Tepito and La Merced. We will be handing out gospels, and evangelizing on the streets.
*July 6th – 11th- Steven Puckett will be coming down, and we will be heading out to San Luis Potosi to hand out gospels, and preach in the towns to people who have not heard the gospel.
*July 13th – 18th- I will be journeying to a town not too far from here to teach a group of young men how to preach.
*July 26th – August 3rd – We will be taking a trip to Chiapas to share the gospel with people who in the past have been very opposed to anything of Christendom.
*In the next month or so I will start teaching a class of evangelism at our church on Sunday mornings.
*My pastor and I met this week and feel the Lord leading us to preach through the book of Ephesians on Sunday mornings, and we will be partnering in this effort.
*Our church has started home group Bible studies, and my pastor asked if they start another group if I would teach that group.
*Also in our meeting we discussed more on the subject of starting a men’s Bible study to teach three things: 1. Good theology, 2. How to be a godly man, husband, and father, 3. How to labor hard for the gospel.
Thank you again for all of your prayers and support, continue to be in prayer for these trips and ministry opportunities. If the Lord places on your heart to be a part of one of these please contact me.

Food for thought:
“Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.” 1 Cor. 10:31
An idea that has seen a resurrection in this age of the church is the “glory of God”. It is my opinion that this resurrection has been sparked by men such as Sproul, Mac Arthur, Packer, and the obvious Piper. This is not an exhaustive list, just a few which enter my mind here on the spot. This returning to a great emphasis on the glory of God is one that was greatly needed, and is leading to the formation of a reformation in our nation. It is more often heard from the reformed groups, but is not exclusive to such groups. My heart flutters as the focus of God’s glory floods the mind of the saints across our nation, and across the world. It is true that our chief goal should be the Glory of the father, but this is true because it is God’s chief end. God values Himself and His glory solely. In saying this I do not say that God does not cherish or delight in His relation with man, simply that in His relation with man He seeks His own glory. God saves men for His glory, He does not save man houses and streets in the hope of receiving glory, He saves, and it is totally His work because His reason for saving is His glory (I think it is a very dangerous thing to think of this idea as 50/50, that God saves 50% for His glory and 50% for mans enjoyment. God saves solely for His glory and through this salvation man enjoys.) I feel the need to explain this with some more depth, but not exhaustively. The salvation of man is a miracle of God, and His chief end in the saving of man is His glory. Man is radically and totally depraved, and totally incapable of doing anything of any value apart from the sovereign work of the trinity in his life. Therefore when the Father saves one there is a radical change in his/her life, without this transformation there is no genuine salvation. Because man is incapable of this good work, when the world sees this change it does not point to some great thing man has done, but the sovereign work of God. That is why salvation brings God glory. That is why a good tree bears good fruit; to show the world the greatness of God. John Owen said “The price of our redemption is more precious in the eyes of God and his Son than it should, as it were, be cast away on perishing souls, without any care taken of what becomes of them afterward." God is faithful in salvation, and He is perfect at it. When He saves one it is effectual! Why?? Because He does not save solely so humans can enjoy pearly gates and golden streets, and sing glory glory hallelujah with their grandma, but that the world would see His great work and ascribe Him the glory due His name. Therefore, if His glory is His chief end so should it be ours. Now, I have a confession, often I have preached this truth, and it has not been acquainted with the understanding of what glory is. Often I have sought to do things in such a way to give Him the most glory, but have acted in ignorance to what exactly that means. I admit that I am often found in stupor, and do not claim to be part of the intellect, but I do not fell on this subject I am alone in saying I do not have a clear view of what His glory actually is. Then comes the great revelation!! I was driving to Fort Worth not long ago and had exhausted all of my washer sermons, so I decided to entertain my heart with some Piper. He was finishing his series on Romans, and set out to define glory. He opened the passage of Isaiah 6 that says “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, and the whole earth is filled with His…?” The passage does not say holiness, but glory. God is Holy therefore the earth is filled with His Glory!! Then Piper proceeded to use this text to help define glory, he said “Glory is the manifested beauty of His holiness.” When I heard this I was awestruck at the significance of this. One thing that has been so heavy on my mind of late is that it is necessary to have good orthodoxy, but it is also just as necessary to have good orthopraxy, so as I began to search for how this truth will be lived out my heart was consumed with conviction. We in Christendom often say “I am doing this for the glory of God”, but are we actually trying show the world the beauty of God’s holiness?? It saddens me that most of the professing church today is more concerned with what they can do for the church, or how many bible studies they did this year than they are the glory due His name. This glory will not be found in words or bible studies, but in a life that is being conformed to the image of the son for in this great work the Father’s beauty is revealed. The revealing of the glory of God is through the sanctification of the saints. Are we truly a people that seek to be holy? Romans 12:2 says “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” What are you doing in your life to not conform to this world? We are called to be different, holy, set apart for the gospel. Jesus cannot be our accessory He has to be our necessity! 1 Thessalonians 4:3 says “For this is the will of God, your sanctification.” We have to stop separating the spiritual world and the secular! For the children of God there is one world! It’s all spiritual, and it’s all about Him!! God is God’s greatest goal because He is the most valuable in the world, and for Him to make anything of less value His goal is Idolatry, and that is impossible for God. He should be the reason we eat, drink, sleep work, any and everything we do, not so that He will give us some great mansion or crown, but that the world would relish in His beauty.
*For a far greater and somewhat exhaustive explanation of God’s chief end read “The End for Which God Created the World” by Jonathan Edwards. It is the best book I have read a part from the Bible.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Works of the Father from the journey of a Pilgrim:

Works of the Father from the journey of a pilgrim:

I wanted to take a few minutes and write you all of you who faithfully support and pray for the ministry of Sing for Joy, and share with you some of the great things that the King of Kings is doing here in Mexico City.
About a month and a half ago, along with one of two of the IMB missionary’s daughters, and a couple of their friends, I went to the streets of la Merced to preach the Gospel to prostitutes. This is something that got started with the group that came in December, and has begun to flourish as an incredible ministry. That day we met a lady named Ely, and after a lengthy conversation found out that she had worked there for 20 years as a prostitute. Since that day I have been going back and talking to Ely often, I go on Tuesday mornings, and Paco, Kristi and I go on Thursday evenings. We have had several great conversations with her, but the one this past Thursday really made her examine her life. We invited her to church and she said if someone would meet her there she would come. Since I have been here many have said similar things, but often times it is not true, and when we go meet them on the streets they are nowhere to be found, or they are passed out drunk, so I didn’t have much confidence in her. It was Friday and I was in my room reading over my sermon for that night that I had labored so hard for, and was looking up as many words in Spanish as I could so I could try to preach with proper Spanish. The Lord spoke so heavily to me and said I was preaching the wrong message, and after telling God that it is impossible to change now because I had already written it out and didn’t have time to write another one, He rebuked me and showed me how small I am, and how weak my faith is, and I set out to preach Matthew 14 that he had placed on my heart. Because I had that struggle with God I walked into church just as we were starting, and Ely was sitting by Kristi! I don’t even know how to describe the feelings going through my heart in that moment!! Here sat a lady that made the woman at the well look like a saint in WMU, and God had made her come to church. That night I preached without notes and with few errors solely by the grace of God, and for an hour and a half Ely heard of the truths of the Father. After church she sat with us, drank coffee, and talked for almost an hour. She told us she would bring her kids with her this week. Please pray for the salvation of Ely! If she will be saved it will be through the preaching of the gospel.
As was stated above, when the group from Grace was here in December we started the ministry to the prostitutes, and the first day we went to the streets Katelyn, and Vasti (IMB missionary’s daughter) had an amazing conversation with a girl named Karen, she has worked there for a little over two years, and is a rough situation. Since the group has left she is another girl that we have had the opportunity to have more conversations with that have been fruitful. Two weeks ago Paco, Kristi, and I were in La Merced and began to speak with her once again. As was so with times before it was a lengthy conversation, and she realized truths of the Lord that needed to be applied to her life. Towards the end of the conversation we had really made a connection with her and I could see hurt in her eyes as she was realizing truth. I told her that I would be praying for her, and Kristi asked if she had a Bible and she said no, so I told her I would bring her one. I went out every day that week looking for her to give her the Bible, but she was not there. Last Thursday as we went to the streets we wanted so badly to see Karen so we could give her a Bible, but she wasn’t there. It had been a week since I had seen her, and I was worried something had happened to her. We approached a girl that stands close to where Karen normally is and asked her if she knew Karen, and she said yes, that they are friends. I asked where she was, and she said “about a week ago she said she was leaving and not coming back.” I have no idea if that means she left that kind of work, or if she just went to another place to work, but I give God praise for the work He is doing in her life! Please pray for Karen’s salvation. Pray that God would continue to place people in her life that will be faithful to preach the gospel. If Karen will be saved it will come through the preaching of the Gospel.
About three and a half months ago I met a guy named Josue. He lives on the street and is a drug addict, and really has a rough life. He lived in L.A. for a few years, and thinks he is in a gang. The Lord just made a connection between Josue and I. I am not sure why he began to cling to me, but others had tried to get close to him, but he just blew them off. Although I do not understand the sovereignty of the Lord I do praise Him for it. Every week I would meet with Josue and share the gospel with him. The whole time I would share with him I would have to pull his hand from his nose to keep him from sniffing glue, and some days he was more sober than others, but most of the time I felt like he didn’t understand much of what we talked about, but we just had a unique relationship. I remember one day I walked into the park and I heard someone yelling my name, and had no idea who? It was Josue! That day I looked at Kristi and said “You know you have status when a homeless guy knows your name!” I have not seen Josue in over a month, and was not sure where he has been, but last Thursday as we were coming back from the street I passed him, and he had new clothes that he bought, gained around 20 lbs., new hair cut, and was going to buy food. I know that these are not huge spiritual changes, and he is still just as far from God as he was, but it shows that something is changing in his life. Please pray for the salvation of Josue! Pray also for him that God would place more people in his life to preach the full council of God to him. If he will be saved it will be through the preaching of the Gospel.
I have also started a bible study with the men from our church that we are starting. We have had 5 of us who are involved, and I am teaching on the Doctrines of God. The first week it was over God being one, and we spent over 2 ½ hours talking about the Trinity. The next week it was about God being spirit, and we also spent over 2 ½ hours talking about why it is important to worship God in spirit and truth. This past week it was over the will and sovereignty of God. It was such an amazing time seeing these men crush their view of God and let Scripture form their opinion of who He is. One of the men in the study said he would like to share a story about his life that showed the sovereignty of the Lord. He told us about how one time his father was sick, and he prayed that God would heal him, and He did. Right when he got finished with his story another man in the study said he also had an example. He said that his dad was also sick, that he had a heart attack, and he began to pray for God to heal him. He told us that at this point in his life he was not a follower of Jesus, and he really didn’t even know what to think of God other than his father was sick, and he wanted him to be better. He said that he prayed for many hours in the hospital for his father, but in the middle of the night they told him his father had died. He said that he knew at that moment if God wants to do something He will and there is nothing we can do to stop it. One of the verses in the study that week was Dan. 4:35 that says “Who can stay the hand of the Lord?” He said when he read that verse it made him think of his dad. God is so good! He is not safe, but He is good!! Please pray for this group of men. We have two men coming that are not converted, and it is my desire for these men to be the leaders of their families. We want to have a men’s conference sometime this summer to teach biblical manhood. Pray that the Lord will open a door for this.

Food for thought:

Normally I write a little theological treaty here for you all to think on and hopefully it draws you to the father, but todays will not be that formal. I want all of you to know that I am doing well, and that we serve a God who is not lesser! He is faithful, and good!! He is doing so much here, and I ask that you do not let anything, not one thing steel from the glory He deserves!! He is the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, and everything in our lives should scream with a loud voice that He is! There is nothing in the world that is worth the direction of our focus other than Him! Jonathan Edwards once said “The great end of God’s works which is so variously expressed in Scripture, is indeed but one, and this one end is most properly and comprehensively called, THE GLORY OF GOD.” If this is God’s end in all his works as I strive to be like him this too shall be my goal. Psalm 101:3 says “I will not set before my eyes anything that is worthless. I hate the work of those who fall away; it shall not cling to me." It is the desire of my heart to solely set Him before my eyes, and that every moment in my life would be a gaze towards Him! So often I fail at this, and I hate the fact that I cannot spend even one hour fulfilling the greatest commandment, but I have the promise that He will complete me!! He is good and will surely do it. Nathaniel Vincent said “True repentance is when we weep for sin as sin, when we weep for it because it is a defiling thing. It blots the image of God and stains the virginity of the soul.” Oh how I long to truly be broken for sin as that! We should not fear sin because of it consequences, but because He bore our sins, and is forever stained and scared from them. A promise the as believers we cling to so much is “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.” Heb. 8:12, but what we often do not consider is why or how He remembers our sins no more? Oh, Church! Understand that it is because “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin”! He is forever stained and scared, and those will be remembered for all eternity! The song we will sing in the New Jerusalem will be “Worthy is the Lamb that was slain.”!! Hate your sin because it blots the image of God!!

One of the Puritans prayed:

Christ was all anguish that I might be all joy,
cast off that I might be brought in,
trodden down as an enemy that I might be welcomed as a friend,
surrendered to hell’s worst that I might attain heaven’s best,
stripped that I might be clothed,
wounded that I might be healed,
athirst that I might drink,
tormented that I might be comforted,
made a shame that I might inherit glory,
entered darkness that I might have eternal light.
My Saviour wept that all tears might be wiped away from my eyes,
groaned that I might have endless song,
endured all pain that I might have unfading health,
bore a thorned crown that I might have a glory-diadem,
bowed his head that I might uplift mine,
experienced reproach that I might receive welcome,
closed his eyes in death that I might gaze on unclouded brightness,
expired that I might for ever live.

He is my propitiation and I will honor Him as such!! I will not let these light, although even the word light seems too strong in comparison; afflictions skew my view of the weight of glory! The afflictions are eclipsed by His glory, and I will honor Him as such!! In any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The promises of God are too rich to be hindered by afflictions. It is my prayer that as I go out to the world I will live in such a way that I would invite people to imitate me as I imitate Christ! That I would have the freedom to say love Christ as you see my example, love people as you see me love them, morn for sin as you see me morn! Such is not the case now, but He is good and He will surely do it.

Thursday, January 15, 2009



I know that it has been a Little over a month since the last update, and for that I am sorry. There has been so much going on here as will be expounded upon below. I do want to start this update by saying thank all of you so much for your prayers and support. The Lord continues to reveal to me the importance of the church, and the prayers of the saints in the church. There have been days when I have really struggled, or that my heart is just broken because of a conversation I may have had on the street, and when I get to my room and check my e-mail or facebook and there will be a word from a saint, and that night I rest with ease knowing that there are ones who are on their knees in the battle front fighting the war for me. Thank you so much for struggling with me. Please do not grow weary in that work that the Lord has called you too.

I will try to make this as brief as I can without excluding the works that the Lord has called me to share. My parents arrived here on December 17th, and began to labor beside me as we planned for the group to arrive the following week. It was a great reuniting with the folks that the Lord used to enter me into this world, and truly a blessing that the door for them to come was opened. We worked in the streets of Tepito and La Merced for a few days, and they got to meet the treasure of a family that the Lord has permitted me to live with. The girls (Karen and Lizet) fell in love quickly as their Grandparents from the States spoiled them with “muchos dulces” or a lot of candy! The group arrived on the night of the 21st, and I was so encouraged to see the faces of my brothers and sisters! It was encouraging to hear of the works of the Father in their lives! It is amazing this institution of called the Bride of Christ! For a week the group absolutely labored with all they had. I think it was a different experience for us all, partly because we had all been a part of those mission trips that tried to see how many people we could get to raise their hand and repeat a mantra that did absolutely nothing to their lives but give them a falsehood of the true gospel, and a false hope of eternity. Because our work here is different, in that we are about preaching the truths of the Great Text, and the full council of God to people who don’t know for the sake of His great name among the nations, and not to report a bunch of numbers, as we discussed the work of the week we all had a sense of contentment that we had labored for His name and not for our own story. I think the day that stirred my affections for His name most was on Christmas day we went to La Merced to talk with prostitutes on the street, and had really great conversations! I think one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my life was Katelyn and Vasti (a daughter of an Imb family here) standing on the street and talking to a girl named Karen for probably an hour or so. It warmed my heart such godly women truly investing themselves in the good works of the Father! I don’t say that to elevate their work over any other person here, it was just one of those moments. I say this with all sincerity; this was the greatest mission team that I have worked with. I hope that as you all that came read this you hear the genuineness of my heart and know that I welcome each of you back and long for the day that our eyes meet again. The airport was just as hard as the day that I left. We are trying to put together a trip for a group to come spring break, and need more people to come. Please commit to praying about if the Lord has called you to be a part of that group.

New Works:
There have been so many opened doors to share the holiness of the great God. Briefly I will share of the new things happening here.
1. We started when the group was here we started going to La Merced to talk to the prostitutes, and it has been an amazing ministry. One day while we were there a guy approached and seemed a little strange, like he wanted to talk or something. I asked him what the deal was, and found out that he is a worshiper of the santa muerte, and was the guy that is over the girls there. After much discourse he asked “What do I need to do to be saved?” So we shared the truths of God, and although God has not saved him yet he was open to talking again. His name is Mark, but I call him Nicodemus J.
2. I am also starting two Bible studies on the attributes of God. One will be with the men of our church, and the other will be with a couple of young guys in college that the Lord really has His hand on. Please pray that these would be fruitful.
3. I have started teaching an American History class twice a week to a high school group of missionary kids. I am really happy to have the opportunity to pour my life into the lives of young men and women.
Food for thought:
The Kindness of the Lord
“Do you suppose O man- you who judge those who do such things and do them yourself-that you will escape the judgment of God? Or do you presume on the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead to repentance?”

What is the kindness of God? So many people in the world equate the Lord’s kindness with His provisions, but the truth of His kindness often times denies us of the things we think we need as provisions. In this passage Paul is addressing the church in Rome to prepare them to be the church that sends him on his journey to Spain (Romans 15:28). The book of Romans is the greatest theological treaties in the world, and he spends the first three chapters explaining the total depravity of humanity. The fault we find him addressing in this particular passage is that there are people in the church approaching the sin in others lives, but committing themselves to those same sins. Many of the Jews in the church thought just because they were part of the nation of Israel that they could do as they pleased because they saw themselves as foreknown. So he writes” do you presume on the riches of His kindness and forbearance” because the people thought they being chosen would receive their idea of kindness from God, but like most today they had a graven image of what the kindness of the Lord truly is. We need to understand that everything God does is for Him and His name. Humanity is not at the center of His kindness He is. Jonathan Edwards said it like this “The great end of God’s works, which is so variously expressed in scripture, is indeed but one, and this one end is most properly and comprehensively called THE GLORY OF GOD!”. His kindness is no exclusion. Today we have gotten so far from the doctrine of forbearance the we do not even presume on it, but that just because a person has read a prayer on that back of a card that the love of God will outweigh His justice. That is heresy! God cannot leave one attribute to elevate or display another. “Not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead to repentance…” This last year I have learned, now please understand when I say learned I am not speaking that I fully know but have small understanding, of the kindness of the Lord. To expound on the previous statement; the brilliant Puritan John Owen said “We know Him by what He does than by what He is-by His doing us good than by His essential goodness; and how little a portion of Him, as Job speaks, is hereby discovered.” He is saying that we don’t know the essentialness of the attributes of God, but merely their essence. This is not a bad thing; it is the result of God being Holy, or as literally translated in the Hebrew “cut” or “separated”. There is nothing like Him! Nothing! Therefore, I have learned of the essence of His kindness. It was His kindness this last year that did not permit me to get married, His kindness that made me leave friends and family. For those things have brought repentance in my life. It was the kindness of the Lord that called for Polycarp to dance in the fire of his death, His kindness that called for the life of Ambrose. It was the kindness of God that called for two Moravian boys to sell themselves as slaves to tell of His name among the slaves. The kindness of the Lord lead Nathan to approach David in his sin, and Paul to exhort the church at Corinth to give a man to satan. Truly He is kind! Often times when a man who is called by God to exhort a congregation through the Word of God about sin they call him mean-spirited, but the man who tells you the most truth is the most kind-loving man in your life. Oh, church be so careful not to try to conform God to who we think He should be, but conform your life to the text of Scripture, to the image of Jesus, by the renewing of your mind daily working through the text striving for godliness. When the Lord does an act of kindness in your life do not fall into the superstition of calling it a work of satan, but rather welcome it and repent. His kindness is not meant for our pleasure, but that when He sees the life of one of His elect He would see the great reflection of Himself and delight in His sovereign work. Truly He is kind!